1. Kode morse dalam penyampaian pesannya selain menggunakan tulisan kode atau sinyal audio tone, dapat juga dilakukan dengan menggunaka...
a. sinyal cahaya lampu
b. sinyal listrik
c. udara
d. gerak tubuh
2. Mesin faksimili mengirimkan pesan dokumen yang telah di pindai (scan) melalui...
a. gelombang radio
b. sinyal listrik
c. kabel listrik
d. kabel telepon
3. Komunikasi yang dilakukan pada internet dengan melalui suara dan gambar sekaligus disebut...
a. mail server
b. mailing list
c. video conference
d. teleconference
4. Serat pohon yang digunakan pertama kali oleh bangsa mesir kuno untuk menulis adalah...
a. bambu
b. lontar
c. papyrus
d. pisang
5. Orang yang pertama kali menciptakan telegraf sebagai alat komunikasi jarak jauh adalah...
a. Charles Babbage
b. Samuel FB Morse
c. Alexander Graham Bell
d. Herman Hellorith
6. Komputer masa depan yang diimajinasikan dapat melakukan percakapan dengan manusia adalah...
d. Ha 19000
7. Salah satu contoh peranan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam bidang perbankan adalah...
a. E-learning
b. E-Governments
c. E-commerce
d. E-Banking
8. Manfaat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dibidang pendidikan dalam bentuk pencarian informasi artikel dan buku dari internet disebut...
a. search engine
b. kelas online
c. diskusi online
d. perpustakaan online
9. Tombol CPU yang digunakan untuk mengaktifkan komputer adalah...
a. tombol reset
b. tombol shut down
c. tombol power
d. tombol restart
10. Tombol pada CPU yang digunakan untuk mengaktifkan kembali komputer disaat hang adalah...
a. tombol reset
b. tombol shut down
c. tombol power
d. tombol power
11. Istilah yang digunakan untuk mengaktifkan komputer sesuai dengan prosedur adalah...
a. cool booting
b. warm booting
c. shut down
d. restart
12 Istilah yang digunakan untuk mengaktifkan kembali komputer pada saat hang adalah...
a. cool booting
b. warm booting
c. shut down
d. restart
13. LAngkah yang tepat untuk mematikan komputer dalam keadaan error adalah...
a. tekan tombol power pada CPU
b. klik start dan pilih turn off
c. tekan tombol reset pada CPU
d. tekan tombol Ctrl + Alt + Del
14. Perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untuk melakukan kontrol dan manajemen hardware, serta operasi-operasi dasar sistem adalah pengertian dari...
a. software
b. sistem operasi
c. hardware
d. brainware
15. Untuk melakukakn perubahan tampilan pada sistem operasi windows dengan melalui menu...
a. setting
b. control panel
c. display properties
d. run
1. Termasuk program pengolahan apakah Writer itu...
a. pengolah angka
b. pengolah data
c. pengolah gambar
d. pengolah kata
2. Writer dapat dijalankan pada dua sistem operasi, yaitu...
a. Linux dan Windows
b. Linux dan Mac
c. Windows dan Apple
d. Mac dan Apple
3. Program OpenOffice.orgWriter, terdapat dalam menu...
a. games
b. graphics
c. internet
d. office
4. Lembar kerja OpenOffice.orgWriter disebut dengan...
a. blank database
b. blank page
c. text documents
d. spreadsheet
5. Bagian yang berisi nama dokumen yang sedang aktif atau yang digunakan bernama...
a. kontrol jendela
b. title bar
c. formatting toolbar
d. toolbar standar
6. Untuk menebalkan huruf atau angka pada dokumen, menggunakan simbol format...
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. I
7. Klik menu file, klik sub menu open, klik file yang diinginkan dan klik open, digunakan untuk...
a. membuat dokumen baru
b. membuka dokumen lama
c. menyimpan dokumen lama
d. menduplikasi dokumen baru
8. Tekan tombol Ctrl kemudian tombol N pada keyboard. Perintah tersebut berfungsi untuk...
a. membuka dokumen
b. membuka lembar kerja/dokumen baru
c. membuka beberapa dokumen sekaligus
d. menutup dokumen
9. Kombinasi Ctrl + V akan memfungsikan icon...
a. paste
b. cut
c. view
d. save
10. Kombinasi tombol Ctrl + E akan menjalankan perintah...
a. align left
b. center
c. align right
d. justify
11. Jika telah selesai melakukan pekerjaan pada Ms. Word dan akan menutup dokumen, langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah...
a. klik menu file-close
b. klik menu file-exit
c. klik menu file-save as
d. klik menu file-new
12. Ententionn yang diperoleh jika kita menyimpan file pada program pengolah kata Ms. Word 2007 adalah...
b. DOC
c. PPT
d. XLS
13. Cara untk memblock naskah dengan keyboard adalah...
a. arahkan pointer pada huruf yang akan diblock lalu tekan shift dan anak panah
b. arahkan pointer pada huruf yang akan diblock lalu tekan Ctrl dan anak panah
c. arahkan pointer pada huruf yang akan diblock lalu tekan Alt dan anak panah
d. arahkan pointer pada huruf yang akan diblock lalu tekan Tab dan anak panah
14. Untuk mengatur perataan naskah anatar lain rata kana, rata kiri. Jika kalian ingin mengatur text rata kanan pilihannya adalah...
a. align text left
b. center
c. align text right
d. justify
15. Cara untuk menyisipkan objek fambar pada Clip Art adalah...
a. klik insert, klik picture pilih gambar/object insert
b. klik insert, klik clip art pilih gambar/object insert
c. klik insert, klik shapes pilih gambar/object insert
d. klik insert, klik chart pilih gambar/object insert
1. Indonesia dikenal dengan top level domain...
a. sg
b. id
c. ac
d. jp
2. Siapa penanggung jawab domain ID pertama kali di Indonesia?
a. Michael Sunggiardi
b. Onno W. Purbo
c. Rahmat M.Samik Ibrahim
d. Adi Indrayanto
3. Media komunikasi apa yanng banyak digunakan saat pembangunan awal Internet di Indonesia...
a. speedy
b. 3G
c. radio paket
d. hotspot
4. Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi di kenali di Internet dengan domain..
5. Kampus mana yang pertama kali mempunyai domain di Internet?
a. Institut Teknologi Bandung
b. Universitas Indonesia
c. Institut Pertanian Bogor
d. Universitas Gajah Mada
6. Apa singkatan dari www?
a. World Wide Web
b. Web Wide W
c. Wise While Wonline
d. Jaringan Jagad Jembar
7. Apa domain yang biasa digunakan untuk sekolah di Indonesia?
8. Siapakah menteri pertama di Indonesia yang menggunaka surat elektronik?
a. Kusmayanto Kadiman
b. Tungki Ariwibowo
c. Akbar Tanjung
d. Giri Suseno Hadihardjono
9. Apakah amatir radio?
a. penggemar radio FM
b. penggemar komunikasi radio
c. penggemar komunikasi dan experimen radio
d. pembuat pemancar radio
10. Mengirim surat melalui media internet disebut...
b. e-mail
c. domain
d. browser
11. Media telekomunikasi apa yang digunakan oleh Telkomnet Instan?
a. hotspot
b. WiFi
d. telepon
12. Pilih teknik sambungan berikut yang tidak digunakan dijaringan seluler...
13. Teknologi internet menggunakan seluler yang di operasikan saat ini merupakan generasi ke...
a. 1G (generasi pertama)
b. 2G (generasi kedua)
c. 3G (generasi ketiga)
d. 4G (generasi keempat)
14. Mengapa Internet menjadi murah menggunakan RT/RW-net?
a. karena menggunakan antena wajan
b. karena menggunakan kabel
c. karena biaya Internet dibagi bersama
d. karena internet dipakai beramai-ramai
15. Sebutkan mana yang tidak termasuk jenis wajan seperti apakah yang dapat digunakan untuk antena wajan?
a. wajan bolong
b. wajan bekas
c. wajan penggorengan
d. wajan plastik
16. Siapa penemu antena Wajanbolic?
a. Pak Harto
b. Pak Arief
c. Pak Gunadi
d. Pak Thamura
17. Kemana kita berlangganan Speedy?
a. Telkomsel
b. Indosat
c. XL
d. Telkom
18. Berapa wilayah jangkauan antenna wajanbolic?
a. 100 meter
b. 4 km
c. 30 km
d. 100 km
19. Berapa bit per detik kah 100 Mbps?
a. 100 juta bit per detik
b. 10 000 000 bit per detik
c. 100 byte per detik
d. 100 000 bit per detik
20.Berapa bit per detik kah 100 Bps?
a. 100 bit per detik
b. 800 bit per detikk
c. 10 bit per detik
d. 800 byte per detik
21. Apa fungsi Internet Service Provider?
a. Menghubungkan pengguna ke Server
b. Memberikan sambungan internet ke pengguna
c. Memberikan sambungan telepon ke pelanggan
d. Mengirimkan surat antar pelanggan
22. Pilih informasi yang tidak dibutuhkan untuk mengakses internet melalui telepon
a. nomor telepon
b. username
c. password
23. Pilih informasi yang tidak dibutuhkan untuk mengakses internet menggunakan WARNET
b. username
c. password
d. nomor telepon
24. Apakah fungsi router di Internet Service Provider?
a. mencek username dan password
b. mencek nomor telepon yang digunakan
c. mengatur pengguna
d. mengatur lalulintas data
25. Berapa jarak kabel maksimum yang dapat digunakan disebuah RT/RW-net?
a. 10 meter
b. 100 meter
c. 1000 meter
d. 1 km
26. Apa nama Asosiasi Provider Internet di Indonesia?
27. Layanan yang tidak diberikan oleh WARNET adalah...
a. akses ke internet
b. mengirimkan e-mail
c. mencari refernsi untuk pekerjaan rumah
d. melihat kartu tanda penduduk seseorang
28. Melalui menu apa kita dapat menkonfigurasi modem 3G?
a. menu Office
b. menu Grafik
c. menu Sound and Video
d. menu System
29. Kemanakah samnbungan Internet dari sebuah Internet Service Provider?
a. ke Bangalore
b. ke Guam
c. ke Amerika
d. ke Maldives
30. Kemanakah sambungan internet dari sebuah RT/RW-net?
a. ke sekolah
b. ke provider internet
c. ke telkom
d. ke depkominfo
Jumat, 31 Januari 2014
Rabu, 29 Januari 2014
Somebody to Love
For you I'd write a symphony
I'd tell the violin it's time to sink or swim
Watch me play for ya
I'd tell the violin it's time to sink or swim
Watch me play for ya
For you I'd be running a thousand miles
Just get to where you are
Step to the beat of my heart
Just get to where you are
Step to the beat of my heart
I don't need a whole lot
But for you I need, I'd rather give you the world
Or we can share mine
But for you I need, I'd rather give you the world
Or we can share mine
I know I won't be the first one
Giving you all this attention
Baby, listen
Giving you all this attention
Baby, listen
I just need somebody to love
I, I don't need too much
Just somebody to love
I, I don't need too much
Just somebody to love
Somebody to love
I don't need nothing else, I promise, girl, I swear
I just need somebody to love
I don't need nothing else, I promise, girl, I swear
I just need somebody to love
I need somebody
I, I need somebody
I need somebody
I, I need somebody to love
I, I need somebody
I need somebody
I, I need somebody to love
Everyday I'd bring sun around
I'll sweep away the clouds
Smile for me
I'll sweep away the clouds
Smile for me
I would take every second, every single time
Spend it like my last dime
Step to the beat of my heart
Spend it like my last dime
Step to the beat of my heart
repeat bridge and chorus
And you can have it all
Anything you want
I can bring, give you the finer things, yeah
I can bring, give you the finer things, yeah
But what I really want, I can't find 'cause
Money can't find me somebody to love, oh
Find me somebody to love, oh
Money can't find me somebody to love, oh
Find me somebody to love, oh
repeat chorus
Is she out there? Is she out there?
Is she out there? Is she out there?
I just need somebody to love
I just need somebody to love
oh whoa x3
You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart
You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart
Are we an item? Girl, quit playing
"We're just friends," what are you saying
Said "there's another," and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time
"We're just friends," what are you saying
Said "there's another," and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time
And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe we aren't together
And I want to play it cool, but I'm losing you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you diamond ring
And I just can't believe we aren't together
And I want to play it cool, but I'm losing you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you diamond ring
And I'm in pieces, baby fix me
And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
I'm going down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around
And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
I'm going down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe my first love won't be around
repeat chorus
When I was 13, I had my first love
There was nobody that compared to my baby
And nobody came between us who could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks
And nobody came between us who could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks
She made my heart pound
I skip a beat when I see her in the street
And at school on the playground
But I really want to see her on the weekend
She got me dazing 'cause she was so amazing
And now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying
I skip a beat when I see her in the street
And at school on the playground
But I really want to see her on the weekend
She got me dazing 'cause she was so amazing
And now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying
repeat chorus
I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone
I'm gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone
I'm gone
Love Me
My friends say I'm a fool to think that you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love
'Cause honestly the truth is that you know I'm never leavin'
'Cause you're my angel sent from above
I guess I'm just a sucker for love
'Cause honestly the truth is that you know I'm never leavin'
'Cause you're my angel sent from above
Baby, you can do no wrong
My money is yours, give you a little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here, I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya, 'bove ya
My money is yours, give you a little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here, I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya, 'bove ya
Love me, love me, say that you love me
Fool me, fool me, oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me, say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear, tell me you love me
Fool me, fool me, oh how you do me
Kiss me, kiss me, say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear, tell me you love me
repeat chorus
People try to tell me, but I still refuse to listen
'Cause they don't get to spend time with you
A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love
Oh your love, oh
A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love
Oh your love, oh
repeat bridge
repeat chorus 2x
My heart is blind, but I don't care
'Cause when I'm with you, everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go, oh
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go, oh
repeat chorus 2x
First Dance
It's your chance take her hand to the floor
(fellas just the moment you've been waiting for)
Girl if you see something you like then let 'em know
(ladies i know your ready)
Causeyou only got one chance
(yeah yeah)
For your first dance
(you never forget bout your first dance)
So take advantage of the slow jam
(fellas just the moment you've been waiting for)
Girl if you see something you like then let 'em know
(ladies i know your ready)
Causeyou only got one chance
(yeah yeah)
For your first dance
(you never forget bout your first dance)
So take advantage of the slow jam
(tell 'em J.B.)yeah, man
when I close my eyes,
I see me and you at the prom
We've both been waiting so long
For this day to come
Now that its here
Let's make it special
I see me and you at the prom
We've both been waiting so long
For this day to come
Now that its here
Let's make it special
(I can't deny)
There's so many thoughts in my mind
The D.J.'s playing my favorite song
Ain't no chaperones
This could be the night of your dreams
There's so many thoughts in my mind
The D.J.'s playing my favorite song
Ain't no chaperones
This could be the night of your dreams
Only if you give, give the first dance to me
Girl I promise I'll be gentle
I know we gotta do it slowly
If you give, give the first dance to me
I'm gonna' cherish every moment
'Cause it only happens once, once in a lifetime
Girl I promise I'll be gentle
I know we gotta do it slowly
If you give, give the first dance to me
I'm gonna' cherish every moment
'Cause it only happens once, once in a lifetime
I couldn't ask for more
We're rocking back and forth
Under the disco ball
We're the only ones on the floor
We're rocking back and forth
Under the disco ball
We're the only ones on the floor
repeat bridge and chorus
Everybody says that we look cute together
Let's make this a night the two of us remember
No teachers around to see us dancing close
I'm telling you our parents will never know
Before the lights go up
And the music turns off
Now's the perfect time for me to taste your lip gloss
your glass slippers in my hand right here
We'll make it before the clock strikes nine
No teachers around to see us dancing close
I'm telling you our parents will never know
Before the lights go up
And the music turns off
Now's the perfect time for me to taste your lip gloss
your glass slippers in my hand right here
We'll make it before the clock strikes nine
repeat chorus
repeat Usher
If you give, give the first dance to me
I'm gonna' cherish every moment
Cuz it only happens once, once in a lifetime
Cuz it only happens once, once in a lifetime
One less lonely girl
there's gonna be one less lonely girl, one less lonely girl 2x
how many i told you's and start's overs and shoulders
have you cried on before?
how many promises, be honest, girl
how many tears you let hit the floor?
how many bags you packed, just to take him bag
tell me that how many either ors but no more if you let me inside of your inside your world
there'll be one less lonely girl
saw so many pretty faces before i saw you, you
now all i see is you
i'm coming for you (i'm coming for you)
don't need these other pretty faces like i need you
and when you're mine in the world
there's gonna be one less lonely girl
i'm coming for you, one less lonely girl 3x
there's gonna be one less lonely girl
how many i told you's and start's overs and shoulders
have you cried on before?
how many promises, be honest, girl
how many tears you let hit the floor?
how many bags you packed, just to take him bag
tell me that how many either ors but no more if you let me inside of your inside your world
there'll be one less lonely girl
saw so many pretty faces before i saw you, you
now all i see is you
i'm coming for you (i'm coming for you)
don't need these other pretty faces like i need you
and when you're mine in the world
there's gonna be one less lonely girl
i'm coming for you, one less lonely girl 3x
there's gonna be one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, I'm gonna put you first
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
Christmas wasn't merry, 14th of February
Not one of 'em spent with you
How many dinner dates, set dinner plates
And he didn't even touch his food?
Not one of 'em spent with you
How many dinner dates, set dinner plates
And he didn't even touch his food?
How many torn photographs I saw you taping back
Tell me that you couldn't see an open door
But no more, if you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl
Tell me that you couldn't see an open door
But no more, if you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl
repeat bridge and chorus
I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe, yeah
I just wanna set one girl free to fall, free to fall
She's free to fall, fall in love with me
I can make you believe, yeah
I just wanna set one girl free to fall, free to fall
She's free to fall, fall in love with me
Her heart's locked, and know what, I got the key
I'll take her and leave the world with one less lonely
I'll take her and leave the world with one less lonely
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
One less lonely girl 3x
One less lonely girl 3x
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
One less lonely girl2x
One less lonely girl2x
repeat chorus 2x
Only you shawty ....
the love the love is bigger 3x
gotta believe in me 2x
believe me like a fairytale
the truth i need a pillowcase
no, i wn't, i won't ever ever let you down
like a seesaw lets you down
you know why
'cause we on the play ground no more paperwork
we're big enough
to stand in the picture
we're big enough
i was a player when i was little
but now i'm bigger, i'm bigger
a heart-breaker when i was little
but now i'm bigger, i'm bigger
and all the haters
i swear they'd be so small from up here
'cause we're bigger
and love's bigger
i'm bigger and you're bigger
remember when my heart was young
it was still bigger than me (still bigger than me)
is that the reason that you stayed
when the got rid of me
now the bullies in the school yard
can't take our hugs and our kisses from us (no)
because we ain't push overs no more, paperwork
repeat bridge
repeat chorus 2x
(remember those stroll down street) i remember that
(don't knock ya earrings) like yesterday
(they shine on me) they were little then
(in class i dreamed about you) my baby
you wow wow (you wow wow)
since then all i can remember is the love only got
repeat chorus 2x
gotta believe in me 2x
believe me like a fairytale
the truth i need a pillowcase
no, i wn't, i won't ever ever let you down
like a seesaw lets you down
you know why
'cause we on the play ground no more paperwork
we're big enough
to stand in the picture
we're big enough
i was a player when i was little
but now i'm bigger, i'm bigger
a heart-breaker when i was little
but now i'm bigger, i'm bigger
and all the haters
i swear they'd be so small from up here
'cause we're bigger
and love's bigger
i'm bigger and you're bigger
remember when my heart was young
it was still bigger than me (still bigger than me)
is that the reason that you stayed
when the got rid of me
now the bullies in the school yard
can't take our hugs and our kisses from us (no)
because we ain't push overs no more, paperwork
repeat bridge
repeat chorus 2x
(remember those stroll down street) i remember that
(don't knock ya earrings) like yesterday
(they shine on me) they were little then
(in class i dreamed about you) my baby
you wow wow (you wow wow)
since then all i can remember is the love only got
repeat chorus 2x
Selasa, 28 Januari 2014
Down to Earth
verse 1
i never thought that it;d be easy
cause we're both so distant now
and the walls are closing in on us
and we're wondering how
no one has a soliud answer
but just walking in the dark
and youn can see the look on my face
it just tears me apart
so we fight (so we fight)
through the hurt (through the heart)
and we cry and cry and cry and cry
and we live (and we live)
and we learn (and we learn)
and we try and try and try and try!
so ists up to you
and its up to me
and we meet in the middle
on our way back down to earth
down to earth 3x
on our way back down to earth
back down to earth 8x
mommy, you were always somewhere
and daddy, i live out of town
so tell me how could i ever be, normal somehow?
you tell me this is for the best
so tell me why am I in tears?
so far away and now I just need you here
repeat bridge and chorus
i felt so far away
from where we used to be
and now we're standing
and where do we go
when there's no road (no road)
to get to your heart?
let's start over again!
repeat bridge and verse 1
i never thought that it;d be easy
cause we're both so distant now
and the walls are closing in on us
and we're wondering how
no one has a soliud answer
but just walking in the dark
and youn can see the look on my face
it just tears me apart
so we fight (so we fight)
through the hurt (through the heart)
and we cry and cry and cry and cry
and we live (and we live)
and we learn (and we learn)
and we try and try and try and try!
so ists up to you
and its up to me
and we meet in the middle
on our way back down to earth
down to earth 3x
on our way back down to earth
back down to earth 8x
mommy, you were always somewhere
and daddy, i live out of town
so tell me how could i ever be, normal somehow?
you tell me this is for the best
so tell me why am I in tears?
so far away and now I just need you here
repeat bridge and chorus
i felt so far away
from where we used to be
and now we're standing
and where do we go
when there's no road (no road)
to get to your heart?
let's start over again!
repeat bridge and verse 1
Senin, 27 Januari 2014
Favourite Girl
I always knew you were the best
the collest girl i know
so prettier than all the rest
the star of my show
so many times i wished
you'd be the one for me
but never knew it'd get like this
girl, what you do to me
you're who i'm thingking of
girl you ain't my runner up
and no matter what
you're always my number one
my prize possession, one and only
adore you, girl, i want you
the one i can't live without
that's you, that's you
you're my special lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls i've ever known
it's you it's you
my favourite, my favourite
my favourite, my favourite girl
my favourite girl
you're always going out your way
to impress these Mr.Wrongs
but never knew you keep like this
i'll take you as you are
i know they said believe in love
it's an dream that can't be real
so, girl, let's write a fairytale
and show 'em how we feel
repeat bidge and chorus
you take my breathe away
with everything you say
i just wanna be with you
my baby, my baby, oh
my miss don't play no games
treat you no other way
than you deserve
'cause you're the girlof my dreams
repeat chorus2x
the collest girl i know
so prettier than all the rest
the star of my show
so many times i wished
you'd be the one for me
but never knew it'd get like this
girl, what you do to me
you're who i'm thingking of
girl you ain't my runner up
and no matter what
you're always my number one
my prize possession, one and only
adore you, girl, i want you
the one i can't live without
that's you, that's you
you're my special lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls i've ever known
it's you it's you
my favourite, my favourite
my favourite, my favourite girl
my favourite girl
you're always going out your way
to impress these Mr.Wrongs
but never knew you keep like this
i'll take you as you are
i know they said believe in love
it's an dream that can't be real
so, girl, let's write a fairytale
and show 'em how we feel
repeat bidge and chorus
you take my breathe away
with everything you say
i just wanna be with you
my baby, my baby, oh
my miss don't play no games
treat you no other way
than you deserve
'cause you're the girlof my dreams
repeat chorus2x
One Time
me plus you, i'ma tell you one time 3x
one time, one time
when I met you, girl, my heart went knock knock
now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop
and even though it's a struggle love is all we got
and we gonna keep keep climbing to the mountain top
your world is my world
and my fight is your fight
my breath is your breath
and you heart
and, girl, you're my one love, my one heart
my one life for sure
let me tell you one time
I'ma tell you one time
and I'ma be your one guy
you'll be my number one girl
always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
you look so deep, you know that it humbles me
you're by my side, them troubles them not troubles me
many have called but the chosen is you
whatever you want, shawty, i'll give it to you
repeat bridge and chorus
shawty right there
she's got everything i need
and I'ma tell herone time
give you everything you need down to my last dime
she makes me happy
I know where I'll be
right by youur side
cause she is the one
repeat chorus
one time, one time
when I met you, girl, my heart went knock knock
now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop
and even though it's a struggle love is all we got
and we gonna keep keep climbing to the mountain top
your world is my world
and my fight is your fight
my breath is your breath
and you heart
and, girl, you're my one love, my one heart
my one life for sure
let me tell you one time
I'ma tell you one time
and I'ma be your one guy
you'll be my number one girl
always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
you look so deep, you know that it humbles me
you're by my side, them troubles them not troubles me
many have called but the chosen is you
whatever you want, shawty, i'll give it to you
repeat bridge and chorus
shawty right there
she's got everything i need
and I'ma tell herone time
give you everything you need down to my last dime
she makes me happy
I know where I'll be
right by youur side
cause she is the one
repeat chorus
Justin Bieber
Siapa sih yang ga kenal Justin Bieber???
Cowok keren yang dipuja-puja jutaan cewek-cewek di dunia yang biasa disebut Belieber. Eitss jangan salah, penggemar Justin bukan cuma cewe doank loh. Cowo jg ada. Mreka biasa disebut Boybelieber.
Anak dari Pattie Mallete dan Jeremy Bieber ini jg punya dua adik tiri yaitu Jazmy Bieber dan Jaxon Bieber. Biarpun adik tiri, Justin sangat menyayangi mereka seperti adik kandung sendiri.
Justin lahir pada 1 Maret 1994 di Startford, Ontario, Canada. Dia lahir di rumah sakit St.Judes. Pada pukul 12:56. Di kamar 216. Dibantu oleh dr.Simon Bexlaham. Golongan darahnya AB+. Sebenernya ada juga yang bilang Justin lahir di St.Joseph hospital. Diumurnya yang belum genap 20 tahun ini Justin sudah punya 8 album, 2 film dan 3 parfum. How proud I'm to be his belieber huh? Hahaha..
Album-album Justin Bieber:
- My World
- My World 2
- My World Acoustic
- Never say Never
- Under the Mistletoe
- Believe
- Believe acoustic
- Complete my Journals
Parfum Justin:
- Someday
- Girlfriend
- The Key
Film Justin:
- Never Say Never
- Believe
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